Are you worthy of victory?
The second crusade (1144), still motivated by the desire to defend eastern Christians from the vicious Muslim invasions, went so badly that many reflected back on themselves in the West that the failure was their lack of purity. (This led to movements such as Franciscan simplicity and could be partly why protestantism developed later, ETC) For similar reasons today there is an awakening to look for purity that leads to victory not shame and failure. The West has largely thrown the baby out with the bathwater of churchy failings. It has generally been swapped for an amazing belief in a magical beginning by chance millions of years ago. A belief system which robs all meaning from life; rejecting The Maker who chose Abraham 4000 years ago. This dominant thinking persecutes the believer who takes the Good Book seriously. It however has absolutely no solution to the Islamic revival taking place. The cause for Western failures, regarding understanding and responding to Islam today, is partly the arrogance which presumes money or tolerance will win over Mohammedans to “our ways”, as if they would want to! The chaos of flooding ‘sin’ is not on Western minds as they have magicked away ‘sin’ by pretending The Maker is not there. Remember too that martyrdom is less attractive without 72 virgins or worse no after-life at all! The West is in more trouble than ever. Yet many will riot for better pay when the money is fictional. The West is finished in its present form. The enemy is “within the gates” through Eurabian policy; a trojan horse.
The key is not to simply understand the good motives of those who went crusading between 1095 and 1291 (the recent ‘crusades’ in the last twenty years were surely less purely motivated?). Some good may come from physical fights against IS(and Hamas, Muslim Bros, etc), but to seek that purity; of thought and action...... The Maker in His kindness is using Islam and the fall of the West to take us MUCH deeper than just back to Richard the Lionheart. Not a revival of anything we have known over the last 2700 years(<- a clue). Oh there is MUCH more to find if we ask, knock and seek. Christianity has been a greenhouse for 2000 years. There have been various types of churches differing in their level of understanding but always missing some major KEYS which make sense of history; a better BIRD’S EYE VIEW. Christianity has been limited by having almost always all of these keys missing;
Key: “Follow ALL The Maker’s Instructions” The Majority of Christianity taught or still teaches that Messiah paid for our sin to free us from Following The Maker’s Instructions......this is getting Paul so wrong! “Those who teach against the least of the commandments are least in The Kingdom”. Torah. It is not following The Maker’s instructions that got us into this trouble in the first place. Nationally and individually. His annual feasts are not finished with! Pig is not ok to eat (even the Muslims know that) neither is prawn. Right and wrong is defined by these instructions; starting with the top ten but all are for our good. The Shabbat(Sabbath) remains a good weekly gift.
Key: “We are in Exile” Hosea chapter 1. Joseph’s blessings. Grafted back into Israel (or joining Israel for the first time as did those in the first Exodus).
Key: “Exodus II” “He has heard our cry” The next rescue of The Maker will be after the plagues as with the first exodus. No “beam me up” before the trouble that is coming. But the rescue will be before the destruction of this generation’s army of ‘Pharaoh’. Even if we are beamed up, we land back here on earth (-if we are counted worthy!)
Key: “The Happy Ending”, The Great Shabbat: The 1000 year rule of Messiah. Both houses of Israel re-united as a light to the other nations which are left after the “great tribulation” on Earth. “Your Kingdom come your will be done on EARTH as it is in the Heavens” - sitting on clouds, playing a not biblical. The great expectation is of The restored Kingdom as it was with King David (only better than before!)
( note for my Jewish friends; Going to protect the christians in Iraq today by attacking IS is seen as good, even if mistakes are made, yet IS calls those attacking them “Crusaders”. It is fashionable to see the crusades as motivated by greed and “anti-semitism”. That is mostly untrue. Sometimes Jews were killed when they took sides with Muslims and there were times when Jews were attacked without sanction from leaders back in Europe. Obviously some terrible things were done by “Crusaders”(they were not called that back in that era). For Jews and lovers of Jews like myself, it is time to let go of notions like the “golden age of Judaism” in the heart of Muslim lands as Dhimis; Mosheh ben Maimon/Rambam’s perspective was always going to favour his master’s over his master’s enemies; the Christians. It has been terrible for Jews where ever they were )
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