
Here is something for your study and prayer:

Celtic Christianity is familiar to some of us and not to others.  I joined a Celtic Christian community in 1992.  Through this community I met my wife and set off on a wilderness journey which has led us into Torah and Israelite identity.   I believe this ‘stepping stone’ has enabled us to go deeper into that life, benefitting from the efforts of the Celtic ‘saints’.  I am not say that the Celtic ‘church’ had it all right, however much of the British Isles and beyond were reached by these pioneers and therefore the subject is of significance.

When I heard about our early christian history I found it felt familiar and a reconnection rather than an introduction.  It was so different from the christianity I had experienced so far.   The Celtic believers loved nature and were very connected to the seasons.  Their authority structures we much less hierarchical.  They loved to study scripture for themselves. They were at first free from the influence of the Romanised ‘church’.   They kept Shabbat and much of Torah, but the christian community we were part of, under-stated this truth; they were still projecting modern christian anti-torah bias back onto these people.  

After a few centuries Celtic believers (and the Anglo-Saxons who joined them) were bullied and threatened about many of these things because they were at odds with Rome who “earnestly warned them not to imagine that their little community, isolated at the uttermost ends of the earth, had a monopoly of wisdom over all the….churches of the world”.  They resisted the pressure to submit to Rome for a few more centuries, though they tried to accommodate the differences.  Generally they kept themselves to themselves.  Eventually at the synod of Whitby in 664, this Torah friendly pocket of believers who understood themselves to be: “we are Your folk, the nation of Elohim and the people of Elohim” (The Celtic Church in Britain - Leslie Hardinge p157) submitted to Romanism and lost the treasure of Torah.

We have seen and known of many who have sought to undo the Whitby mistake through much intercession without success.  The reason for their failure I now see clearly.  These people didn’t/don’t see that Torah was the core loss and it was not that we had lost just another flavour or expression of the faith.

This year Nathan and Grant, who we met about two years ago, are calling a gathering at Whitby on Yom Kippur to pray T’shuvah / turning back from this key moment when we let go of Torah for the sake of unity with a big bully.  I believe this time, those interceding will have understood what is needed to break this curse off Britain!  If you see the need to turn back to Torah and understand how the past effects the present perhaps you would like to be involved with this initiative to whatever degree?  Please ask me and I’ll send a copy of their letter.  I may also be able to help point those who are interested in the subject generally in the right direction.  

In Yeshua HaDerech


Jerusalem is not found in England; Green and Pleasant EXILE!

Jerusalem is not found in England,
 but here is a Green and Pleasant EXILE!


And did Jeroboam’s sin in ancient time
spread upon England’s Mountains green:
And were his golden calves,
On England's pleasant pastures seen!

And did this shameful sin,
burn forth upon our clouded hills?
And vainly counterfeit Jerusalem here,
Among these far and foreign isles. 

Bring me my Bow of burning gold;
Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O Clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have turned back to Jerusalem,
from England’s green and pleasant Exile.

So let Her righteousness shine forth,
As the brightness of a lamp that burns.
Let Her be praised in all the earth.
Till Her streets are filled with joy.


......an explanation for the hardness and resistance there is here, to the message of the restoration of The Whole House of Israel returning to the land of Israel.

Isaiah 62;7
"And give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth."

Matthew 23;37
"Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, 
but you were not willing."

Our Capital City.

Cup of trembling.

Psalm 137; 5,6
If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill.

May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if 

do not remember you,

if I do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy.

When the northern house of Israel broke from Judah and then rejected Jerusalem as the place to go for the feasts and offerings, they lost so much.  Counterfeiting Jerusalem in Dan and Bet-el was never going to work; another replacement theology.  Those of Ephraim must acknowledge this sin and make Jerusalem their highest joy once again!

His Beauty is Our Beauty

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!   Psa 133;1

And let the beauty of Adonai Eloheynu be upon us: and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, 
establish the work of our hands.  Psa 90;17

 The same word; נָּעִים - נֹעַם is translated as pleasant and as beauty.  

Romans chapters nine to eleven are about the reunion of the two houses of Israel.  Romans chapter twelve leads us then deeper into that Beauty-Pleasantness with the seven types of people who only find their true place together; a reflection of The Maker's face on earth. 

Seven types; compared to parts of the body, these teach dependancy for unity (Beauty and Pleasantness).  He has not put all of His abilities/attributes into each of us but spread them out; none with the monopoly.  For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same “function”.   (Please note this is not Paul’s list of Jobs/Ministries which any of us may be called to do at one time or another.  Nor is it Paul’s list of tools of the Ruach we may all learn to use.  Instead it is “who we are”.)  

Some are elevated in certain cultures or circles and some despised, but all have their place and the goal is to have each part working as one.  As in the cursed-creation, there are some more prey-like and some are predator-like which will only find the Isaiah 11-peace in the restoration.

This unity is not possible while ignorance of these differences remain.  Where ambition and fear rule there will be no beauty.  

Therefore, I beseech you brethren, that you present yourselves sacrificially.........Romans 12;1

To deny the differences is to surely persecute the differences. 

To perpetuate the domination of certain “types” of people who think they have a monopoly on truth and understanding will mean more trouble and ugliness inevitably.  In this ignorance we either project our own weaknesses onto others or presume we understand when we don’t.  Like at the tower of Babel we would be left in confusion repeating the same old “church” or “business” traditions and patterns, alienating members of our own body.  

Most don’t yet know that Romans chapter twelve lists the seven gifts (verses 6-8), then their strengths (9-15) and then their potential weaknesses (16-21).  This revelation gives us the wisdom to partly explain and deal with the tensions that exist between us.  This is a key placed in the right spot to bring good fruit in our Nation and in our families.  

“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function”...............differences. 

There are differences that exist in the body of messiah.  The unity of that body is hindered by those who “think of themselves more highly than they ought”.   Instead if we each think ourselves “with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of trust YHWH has distributed to each of us”, we will see the “behold how beautiful it is when brethren dwell together in heavenly unity”.

It has been tradition for those trying to be the “body of messiah” to make frankensteins.   Parts of the body missing or deformed.  It is as if “self-harm” has been decreed up till now as part of the curses for not listening and doing YHWH’s torah.  When the enemy comes to us, we flee in seven different directions.  The disunity is when a “group” dominates, even with the best intensions, from ignorance of these seven differences Paul is teaching us. 

1 Corinthians 12;15   If the foot says, “Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body”; is it therefore not of the body?

Exodus 34;6-7  And YHWH passed by before him, and proclaimed, YHWH, YHWH El merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, till the third and to the fourth generation.

The beauty of the living Elohim is in the perfect tension between All His Attributes.   
May that beauty be upon us!


Are you worthy of victory?

Are you worthy of victory?

The second crusade (1144), still motivated by the desire to defend eastern Christians from the vicious Muslim invasions, went so badly that many reflected back on themselves in the West that the failure was their lack of purity.  (This led to movements such as Franciscan simplicity and could be partly why protestantism developed later, ETC)  For similar reasons today there is an awakening to look for purity that leads to victory not shame and failure.  The West has largely thrown the baby out with the bathwater of churchy failings.  It has generally been swapped for an amazing belief in a magical beginning by chance millions of years ago.  A belief system which robs all meaning from life; rejecting The Maker who chose Abraham 4000 years ago.  This dominant thinking persecutes the believer who takes the Good Book seriously.  It however has absolutely no solution to the Islamic revival taking place.  The cause for Western failures, regarding understanding and responding to Islam today, is partly the arrogance which presumes money or tolerance will win over Mohammedans to “our ways”, as if they would want to!  The chaos of flooding ‘sin’ is not on Western minds as they have magicked away ‘sin’ by pretending The Maker is not there.  Remember too that martyrdom is less attractive without 72 virgins or worse no after-life at all!  The West is in more trouble than ever.  Yet many will riot for better pay when the money is fictional.  The West is finished in its present form.  The enemy is “within the gates” through Eurabian policy; a trojan horse.  

The key is not to simply understand the good motives of those who went crusading between 1095 and 1291 (the recent ‘crusades’ in the last twenty years were surely less purely motivated?).  Some good may come from physical fights against IS(and Hamas, Muslim Bros, etc),  but to seek that purity; of thought and action......    The Maker in His kindness is using Islam and the fall of the West to take us MUCH deeper than just back to Richard the Lionheart.  Not a revival of anything we have known over the last 2700 years(<-  a clue).  Oh there is MUCH more to find if we ask, knock and seek.  Christianity has been a greenhouse for 2000 years.  There have been various types of churches differing in their level of understanding but always missing some major KEYS which make sense of history; a better BIRD’S EYE VIEW.   Christianity has been limited by having almost always all of these keys missing;

Key:  “Follow ALL The Maker’s Instructions”  The Majority of Christianity taught or still teaches that Messiah paid for our sin to free us from Following The Maker’s Instructions......this is getting Paul so wrong!  “Those who teach against the least of the commandments are least in The Kingdom”.  Torah.  It is not following The Maker’s instructions that got us into this trouble in the first place.  Nationally and individually.  His annual feasts are not finished with! Pig is not ok to eat (even the Muslims know that) neither is prawn.  Right and wrong is defined by these instructions; starting with the top ten but all are for our good.  The Shabbat(Sabbath) remains a good weekly gift.  

Key:  “We are in Exile”  Hosea chapter 1.  Joseph’s blessings.  Grafted back into Israel (or joining Israel for the first time as did those in the first Exodus).  

Key:  “Exodus II”   “He has heard our cry” The next rescue of The Maker will be after the plagues as with the first exodus.   No “beam me up” before the trouble that is coming.  But the rescue will be before the destruction of this generation’s army of ‘Pharaoh’.  Even if we are beamed up, we land back here on earth (-if we are counted worthy!)

Key: “The Happy Ending”, The Great Shabbat: The 1000 year rule of Messiah.  Both houses of Israel re-united as a light to the other nations which are left after the “great tribulation”....here on Earth. “Your Kingdom come your will be done on EARTH as it is in the Heavens” - sitting on clouds, playing a harp....is not biblical.  The great expectation is of The restored Kingdom as it was with King David (only better than before!)

( note for my Jewish friends;   Going to protect the christians in Iraq today by attacking IS is seen as good, even if mistakes are made, yet IS calls those attacking them “Crusaders”.    It is fashionable to see the crusades as motivated by greed and “anti-semitism”.  That is mostly untrue.  Sometimes Jews were killed when they took sides with Muslims and there were times when Jews were attacked without sanction from leaders back in Europe.  Obviously some terrible things were done by “Crusaders”(they were not called that back in that era).  For Jews and lovers of Jews like myself, it is time to let go of notions like the “golden age of Judaism” in the heart of Muslim lands as Dhimis; Mosheh ben Maimon/Rambam’s perspective was always going to favour his master’s over his master’s enemies; the Christians.  It has been terrible for Jews where ever they were )


“Émigrér out of her my people”

“Émigrér out of her my people” 

In my little Sukkah, which teaches me everything, is a desert without limits. 
Its four posts; prayer, meditation, fasting, and manual work, are strong. 
Monstrous distractions weaken over time with a little trust.
Restored to the few are the orderly maps of the internal landscape; 
Torah; Joshua's easy yoke. 

More than 2700 years of rebellion leaves much debris to clear from the old paths.  

Joy in the house that Jacob built, fuels us to do the impossible.  Alone, we pioneer for the many who will return together along the arc of exile. 

Sand on the shore and stars in the heavens, yet only a remnant for The Happy Ending here on earth.

"Come away with me"


Good News! - The Bad News is temporary.

Follow The Makers Instructions  




Go with the flow-----straight down the plug hole!


Stand out and risk your neck.

YHWH is Good.

.....that is if you want the Pearl of Greatest Price.

Because you need to see that we are in.........




Fathering in the wilderness.

It’s a journey.  As pioneers back into following The Maker’s Instructions we ask ourselves why us and not others.  There are some answers to that.  For example I think that I was always an outsider due to circumstances beyond my control.  This made it easier for me to wander off into the wilderness with YHWH.  But I still found that I ended up being “pew filler” for some man with a ministry, always looking for the leader who could tell me what to think.  Or at times I just got depressed and overwhelmed with the situation of being alone. 

There is a “crisis in masculinity”, we have often not been fathered or at least not well.  Into that vacuum comes all sorts of sickness.  The unhealthy “masculine counterfeit” tries to conform people into its own image or submit inappropriately to others.  It tries to explain everything and doesn’t cope well with not having “all the answers” and explanations. It’s not good at being like a little child before Him. Following The Maker’s Instructions will be affected by these things.  We have not been pioneering in vain.  The Father knows that the very wilderness experience brings up to the surface these things.  Either we burn ourselves out trying to please Him (His yoke is easy, His burden is light) or we will crash into something or other (pride comes before a fall).  All this is in His full knowledge.  He is waiting for us “while we are a long way off” to heal and fill all the gaps in our hearts.   He is doing what He promised he would.  It’s all about Him.  

There are those who understand much about our “unfatheredness” yet they will never be able to help much if they stagnate, refusing to see the place of the Torah in the healing journey. They can only heal a little.  YHWH heals completely. Come out of her my people.  Follow The Maker’s Instructions.  Have courage and wait in the vacuum, between Judaism and Christianity(we can still learn from both).  In the wilderness of the nations.  Watch and see what He will do. Greater is the exodus to come than the wonderful one we remember each Passover. HalleluYah. 


What mean these proud buildings now in disrepair?    
Illusions of grandeur in exile, in denial of The Great Rejection.
By trust in the diminished gospel, slaves remain slaves and dreamers stop dreaming.
The narrative punctured, deflated by the pie in the sky opiate.
Replacementist blind guides herd their controlled ones.
Well away from the danger of the knife of Abraham.
Guarding those lawless foreskins with their hireling hearts.

A real Joseph, though veiled in Egyptian cotton, restored to his father.
Not one of the lost sheep of Israel will be left behind.
A happy ending.  A richer promise. 


Ok. Here is the great story of the bible condensed right down.

The Maker chose Abraham to start a nation to reflect His beauty. There were problems from the start because Abraham tried to help The Maker by having a child called Ismael by natural means. No miracles were needed but this was not the son they were promised and many troubles came because of this. The miracle finally happened and his name was Isaac. Only one of Isaac’s sons inherited the promise of being the special nation; he is called Israel. Israel had twelve sons. They were all saved from a great famine by going to Egypt where Joseph, one of the twelve was sent ahead, ready to receive them with plentiful supplies. A few generations later, having multiplied lots, they became oppressed slaves. Through Moses, The Maker sent ten terrible plagues which forced people to choose to be either counted with Israel or on Pharaoh’s side. They were rescued wonderfully and were promised the land of Canaan as a home. If they followed The Maker's instructions it would go amazingly well for them. If not, they would end up being kicked out into the nations for a very long time. At Israel’s height there was a good King called David who listened to the Maker. Here is where the plot thickens; after David died the nation was split into two parts! The northern part eventually, because they kept refusing to follow The Maker's instructions, went off as prisoners to Assyria and then later wandered off deeper into obscurity - we will leave that there to gain some suspense! The southern part (now called the Jews) themselves shortly after went into captivity in Babylon - we can follow their story as they never lost their identity. It is through the Jewish part of Israel we received Messiah and the instruction/story book intact.

Because the hope of the restoration of Israel was delayed, many looked elsewhere for their hope, taking some of the things Messiah said and fitted them into a different hope of a “less earthly” kingdom. This distorting of all the promises robbed them of much understanding about what is going on “down here”. By this they separated themselves from Israel in their minds and made up something else called “church” (though the word always used to describe a gathering of the people of the Maker - k’hal/congregation - was always only used for the nation of Israel). This new group teach people that they no longer need to follow The Maker's instructions, which they say were never even possible to keep. They pick and choose which commandments/instructions are still valid. Many of them also hope to be beamed up before the big predicted trouble comes.

Meanwhile here on earth......Israel is awaiting the great promise of being brought home AFTER this time of trouble (just like it was after the plagues in Egypt when they left). It will be trouble like there has never been before or never will be again. Now, you need to know that the foundation of Islamic belief is that Israel was rejected permanently and now they get to rule the world through force. This detail sets the stage for the last few years of trouble which come before the great restoration where the two parts of Israel are joined back together with a big celebration! Messiah will unite both parts of the nation. The revealing of Joseph, ooops, I mean The northern part of Israel (wink wink nudge nudge),..... is the biggest twist in the book!

Through Messiah we can be forgiven for our sins (i.e. for not following The Maker's instructions) and be joined back into the nation of Israel which will soon, once again, reflect His beauty here on EARTH by keeping all the instructions, with a soft heart. These instructions are described as life throughout the good book!

What a wonderful story which is right now reaching such a climax. 


The Happy Ending, restoration of His nation.

The popular christian view of the future, from all I read and heard, is that we get a ticket to heaven and will sit on the clouds playing a harp, or as has been said "Pie in the sky when you die".  I searched the Bible.  The future foretold is of the nation of Israel being restored and of the people of Israel once again ‘Following The Maker’s Instructions‘ as they were always meant to.  And after Israel is restored, then all the earth will experience a happy ending as Israel fulfils their role and place.   
The second chapter of Daniel in the Bible contains one of the most interesting and 'simple' tools to measure where we are in The Maker's time scale.  The consecutive empires which temporarily ‘replace’ Israel during the exile punishment are pictured as parts of a statue.  Babylon the head, Medo-Persia the shoulders, Greece the waist, Rome the legs, and then one final empire: The feet of iron and clay.  Universally the feet and toes were interpreted by western christians as a revived Roman empire, usually seen in a 1984 New World Order conspiracy kind of way.  This Elitist conspiracy theory is considered ‘global’ as understood today, rather than the ‘global’ of the previous four empires which were all middle-eastern.  It chokes out any expectation of an earthly out-come worth waiting for.   I accepted this as certain for 23 years.   About 5 years ago I saw an alternative understanding which actually fits history, instead of the revived Rome interpretation which leaves a 1300 year gap to be somehow explained.  Islam replaced the Eastern Roman empire over the land of Israel and therefore it is the ‘feet and toes’, or last empire before Israel, both houses (not just the Jewish part!) is restored to how it was under King David.  This is the desired Happy Ending we have all been waiting for.   “Your Kingdom come, your will be done on EARTH” makes sense at last.
Many people are stirred up about Israel's restoration and many pray for it.  However they for the most part don't imagine for one minute that they are meant to be grafted into the nation of Israel.  This is the thing Yeshua and his followers went around calling people to.  He didn’t talk about his death and resurrection.  The good news was that the time of rejection was over.  Not because we had turned round enough but “for His name’s sake”.  Yet most people think they have heard the gospel.  Now is the time to call people back to following The Maker’s Instructions and to become UNSETTLED where they live, in readiness for the greater Second Exodus.  This is the harvest gathering back to the land of Israel where we will be, once again, His people and He will be with us.
Passover is about Israel’s exodus from Egypt, Yeshua redeeming us from being slaves to sin with powerful forgiveness, AND in the near future He will rescue His people from exile, bringing them back to their home land.  
I know all this.  I’ve seen all this.  Yet the challenge for me is to allow the truth of His love to change me from being the traumatised child, one able to see things as an outsider but unable to fit in, into being an adopted son able to face the troubles that are coming as part of the nation being ingathered.   
As the plagues are repeated on a much bigger scale in prelude to the Second Exodus, we will see much trouble.  Who among us will prove to be trusting children?  This refining process will end with a worthy people fit to serve The Most High as a light to the other nations left after our ingathering.  
How then shall we live?


Lost and Found: Joseph repeated.

Can these bones live?                                                              O Master YHWH, you know.

Bones shaking in Welsh hills.
The Resurrection and the light.
Hebridean rumblings, more flesh on bone.
Patient preparations for The Great Revealing.
Joseph's ripening sheaves.

L.A, Moriah Loughor or wherever :
You know we'll leave these green and pleasant lands?!

Am Yisrael Chai.


I love to sing to YHWH.

It is normal, good, logical, etc to thank The Maker, and to do it passionately. 

It makes sense.

We were made to share His life and to enjoy Him and serve Him forever!

We were all made to do the same in our own peculiar way.

When we sing to Him, about Him and what He has done, we come into truth on many levels.
His goodness demands a response.  He just is Good so we need to thank Him.

Thanking Him for: Food and Shelter, His Creation, Help, Messiah, the promise of a happy ending for this earth under His Torah and rule, His Beauty and His other characteristics, the reason why evil happens, etc etc etc.

To not thank and praise Him is to act out a lie.  It is unthinkable.

(If The Maker is not good, great, truthful,   don't bother praising Him, but He has proved His nature to many generations).



Whispered words - Be Unsettled

Whispered words raise me, lukewarm to hot.
Quantum change from slave to son.
Coming whether your are ready or not.

Ambiguity melting, evaporating.
Stark battle lines.
I’m vibrating at the frequency that moves mountains.
His doing. His timing.
Tipping the scales till naturalist won’t think it natural.
Disaster plagues them, to let us go.
A lifetime of failed word combinations.
Yet the door swings open freely.
Time-lock activated resurrection.
Second Exodus a twist in the Book.
Who are you?
Where is your home?
Are you ready?
Be Unsettled




abuse (1) aidan (1) antimessiah (1) arc (1) attributes (1) babylon (2) banner (1) beast (1) beauty (3) benign (1) betel (1) bevan (1) bible (1) big brother (1) blake (1) blessing (2) blessings (1) bread (1) britain (2) british (1) broken (1) caliphate (2) capital (1) celtic (4) child (1) christian (1) church (1) circumcision (1) city (1) clay (5) crusaders (1) crusades (1) curse (3) curses (1) dan (1) daniel (4) darwinism (1) death (2) denial (2) desert (2) design (1) designed (1) dna (1) dream (2) earth (2) elijah (2) eliyahu (1) emigre (1) empire (1) endtimes (2) england (1) ephraim (6) evil (1) evolution (3) exile (4) exodus (8) expectation (3) faith (1) father (2) fathering (1) feet (1) fire (2) firstborn (1) food (1) footsteps (1) gold (1) good (7) good book (1) good news (2) goodness (1) green (1) haeckel (1) happy ending (6) harmony (1) harvest (1) head (1) healing (2) heart (1) hidden (1) homophobic (1) homosexual (3) hope (6) humanism (1) idols (1) instructions (10) iona (1) iron (5) islam (10) islamic (1) israel (9) jacob (2) jeroboam (1) jerusalem (1) jews (2) joseph (5) joshua (1) journey (1) joy (1) judah (1) K'hal (1) keys (1) kingdom (7) lamb (1) liberalism (1) life (3) love (1) maker (1) malchut (1) male (1) man (1) masculinity (1) mercy (1) messiah (3) motivations (1) narrative (2) nationalism (1) netzarim (1) noam (1) northumbria (1) olam (1) pain (1) pentecost (1) pioneer (1) pleasant (1) praise (1) prodigal (1) promises (1) rainbow (1) rapture (1) refining (1) replacement (1) resistance (1) restoration (3) resurrection (2) return (1) reunion (1) revival (2) Romans (1) ruach (1) sabbath (1) salvation (2) science (1) scriptures (1) settled (1) sevens (1) sexual (1) shabbat (2) shalom (1) shavuot (1) spiritual (1) statue (1) stone (1) story (1) synagogue (1) t'shuvah (3) teshuva (2) tikkun (7) time (1) toes (3) torah (18) tribulation (1) trouble (1) trust (2) two houses (1) unity (1) unsettled (1) wales (1) welsh (1) west (1) whispered (1) whitby (1) wilderness (2) worship (1) written (1) ya'acov (1) yerushalyim (1) yeshua (11) YHWH (9) yoke (2) yosef (4)